This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

The Boss: تفاوت میان نسخه‌ها

از Board Game Arena
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(reverted English back, moved Russian into corresponding separate page.)
خط ۱: خط ۱:

== Goal ==

At the end of the hand, the player with the most gangsters in the city wins the "city card" that was placed face down at the beginning of the hand.

'''Цель игры.'''
Be the player with the most money at the end of the game!

1. В конце раунда игрок с наибольшим количеством гангстеров в городе  выигрывают карту города, расположенную рубашкой вверх (лицом вниз).
== Description ==

2. В конце игры выигрывают игроки которые больше всего заработали миллионов.

Each city, except '''Chicago''', has one hidden card underneath it.
The rest of the cards are distributed among the players, giving each player information on which card is hidden under each city.  
В каждом городе, кроме Чикаго, имеется карта расположенная рубашкой вверх. Остальная часть карт распределена между игроками.  Каждый игрок может видеть цвета карт других участников.


1. Расположить гангстеров в городе (большие кубики – «гангстеры – эксперты») они возвращаются обратно к игроку в конце раунда (если не были убиты, заключены под стражу или не попали в больницу). Маленькие кубики – «гангстеры- новички»,  в конце раунда не возвращаются.  Чтобы выиграть карту города, ваших гангстеров в городе должно быть больше, чем у противников.
Each round, each player:

2. После расположения гангстеров в городе, вы должны обязательно  выложить одну карту с вашей руки. На этом ваш ход заканчиватеся.

Когда у каждого игрока остается по две карты на руках, открывается карта полиции.
1) May place gangsters on a city. The large gangsters (Experts) are returned at the end of each round, while the small (Occasionalists) ones are not. After placing the gangsters, you must have more of them than any opponent on that city.
Игра заканчивается, если открыты карты полиции  с тремя одинаковыми по цвету значками.

''Если вы выигрываете « пистолет», то ваш гангстер убит,
если «решетка» – гангстер не участвует  в игре в течение 2-ух раундов,
если "больница"(красный крест)  - гангстер не участвует в игре в течение 1 раунда.
Если Вы получаете вычеркнутую карту человека в Цинциннати, вам запрещено располагать гангстеров  в этом городе до конца игры.''

'''Карта Чикаго(Алькапоне).'''
2) Must play a card from your hand, revealing that information about the city.
У Чикаго (Алькапоне) нет скрытой карты, вместо этого игрок, сыгравший гангстеров  в Чикаго, делит выигрышные  деньги  из городов расположенных  слева от него (Чикаго)  и делит их с  Алькапоне, с округлением в меньшую сторону.

'''Подсказки новичкам.'''

Гангстеров не обязательно выкладывать каждый раунд, обязательным  является выложить карту города с вашей руки. Можно дождаться пока ваши противники начнут выкладывать  карты с руки, чтобы понять, где можно заработать миллион.
When everybody has 2 cards in their hand, the police card is turned over.
If there are 3 police symbols with the same color turned over, the game ends after the hand in progress is finished.
When everybody is out of cards, reveal the face down cards.
Whoever has the most gangsters on the city 'wins' that face down card. If it is money, it is worth that many points.
If it is a gun one of your big gangsters is killed, the bars mean they go to jail for 2 rounds and the red cross sign is hospital for 1 turn.
If you get the crossed out man card in Cincinnati you are banned from playing gangsters there the rest of the game.
Chicago doesn't have a hidden card, instead it is worth one half (rounded down) of the sum of the last cards played from a player's hand on each of the cities to its left, it moves one space left each round.
== Beginner Tips ==
*Give out useless information early and hold on to your gangsters until seeing what your opponents are planning.
*If you have the gun for Detroit or Kansas City you KNOW that city will be worth some points. This isn't true for Philadelphia which could still send you to jail.

نسخهٔ ‏۳۰ دسامبر ۲۰۱۲، ساعت ۲۰:۵۹


At the end of the hand, the player with the most gangsters in the city wins the "city card" that was placed face down at the beginning of the hand.

Be the player with the most money at the end of the game!


Each city, except Chicago, has one hidden card underneath it. The rest of the cards are distributed among the players, giving each player information on which card is hidden under each city.

Each round, each player:

1) May place gangsters on a city. The large gangsters (Experts) are returned at the end of each round, while the small (Occasionalists) ones are not. After placing the gangsters, you must have more of them than any opponent on that city.

2) Must play a card from your hand, revealing that information about the city.

When everybody has 2 cards in their hand, the police card is turned over. If there are 3 police symbols with the same color turned over, the game ends after the hand in progress is finished.

When everybody is out of cards, reveal the face down cards.

Whoever has the most gangsters on the city 'wins' that face down card. If it is money, it is worth that many points.

If it is a gun one of your big gangsters is killed, the bars mean they go to jail for 2 rounds and the red cross sign is hospital for 1 turn.

If you get the crossed out man card in Cincinnati you are banned from playing gangsters there the rest of the game.


Chicago doesn't have a hidden card, instead it is worth one half (rounded down) of the sum of the last cards played from a player's hand on each of the cities to its left, it moves one space left each round.

Beginner Tips

  • Give out useless information early and hold on to your gangsters until seeing what your opponents are planning.
  • If you have the gun for Detroit or Kansas City you KNOW that city will be worth some points. This isn't true for Philadelphia which could still send you to jail.